Sexual Anxiety Hypnotherapy London and Online.

I help men with sexual performance anxiety and over thinking. They want to avoid sex because of anxiety. Through the sexual solution method, they stop overthinking, feel calmer and gain confidence. Even if it feels impossible right now.

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Hypnotherapy for Sexual Performance Anxiety in London and Online

End sexual anxiety and gain sexual confidence without anxiety, overthinking, or getting anxious about your performance.

  • Are you struggling to control your thought mind and anxiety during sex?

  • Is it difficult to perform because you experience high levels of anxiety?

  • Have you lost your sexual confidence?

  • Do you worry you will sexually fail because you also experience premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction?

If you want to know how Linda Connors can help you overcome sexual anxiety, she invites you to book a free and confidential consultation. Call 075 3421 3557 or click on the button below to arrange an appointment. Sessions take place face-to-face in Harley Street in London, and online.

My clients want to have sex without constantly worrying about their sexual performance.
This is what sexual freedom means to them.

Does this resonate with you?

If you can’t control anxiety and stress is too stressful 

A special invitation to learn how to stop sexual anxiety, gain sexual confidence, inner calmness, and discover how to have longer-lasting sex.

Sex is frustrating when you experience sexual anxiety. You want to have sexual intercourse with your sexual partner, but anxiety gets in the way. Regardless of how hard you try to remain calm, sexual anxiety affects your sexual activities.

Sexual performance anxiety can occur for many reasons, including:

  • Previous sexual encounters when you were unable to perform

  • Diagnosed with other sexual dysfunction (PE or ED)

  • Low sexual confidence and self-esteem.

  • Putting too much pressure on yourself to perform.

  • Fear of failing and worry what your partner thinks about you.

  • Negative thought patterns, limiting beliefs and overthinking.

  • Certain medical conditions (get checked by your doctor).

You may even start to worry that your partner will leave you because you have difficulties performing. Perhaps you overcompensated by being too focused on your performance. Trying hard to please your sexual partner. You may tried to fix it yourself by watching YouTube videos, or other therapeutic approaches?

But nothing seems to work, and sexual anxiety persists.

As a result, you start to avoid sexual activity because it is too stressful.

How to achieve calm and confident sex with Hypnotherapy

I believe that you can overcome sexual anxiety with hypnosis and learn how to have relaxed sex. But it is not a magic wand.

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When you experience sexual anxiety, your unconscious mind repeats previous sexual experiences. It’s like an anxiety loop that increases fear, anxiety, and stress. As a result, it is difficult to achieve calm and confident sex without making some fundamental inner changes.

During the sexual anxiety performance hypnosis programme, I show you the specific steps you need to take to achieve calmness and get more confidence.

You will learn how to create changes in your unconscious mind, body, and genital areas.

We will also resolve the triggers that cause performance anxiety. This is different from traditional and suggestion hypnosis sessions. It is a powerful sexual anxiety hypnotherapy programme that heals, transforms, and awakens your innate sexual confidence. First we build the inner foundations and then we work on positive suggestions and hypnotic suggestions.

This sexual anxiety solution enables you to experience calmer and confident sexual intercourse.

Many of my old patterns have fallen away too, not just the fear of being unable to perform. I have begun to take more responsibility for my happiness, and well-being in all areas of my life; business and personal relationships. I feel more able to handle uncertainty and challenge as it arises, and more accepting of such difficulty, and self-assured in my ability to manage it. I feel more fulfilled, self-aware and happy to be alive, and for this, I cannot thank and recommend Linda enough.
— Client (confidential name)

What is hypnotherapy for sexual performance anxiety?

I am one of the few hypnotherapists that specialise in male sexual dysfunction and sexual anxiety. With over 14 years of experience, training and research, I’ve built a unique and transformative sexual anxiety hypnosis programme that transforms men’s sex lives.

Sex Hypnotherapy works by reprogramming your unconscious mind, emotions and body enable you to achieve calmer and confident sex.

Enter a modern and advanced hypnotherapy process that:

  • Is aligned with how you want to experience sex.

  • Utilises a wide range of approaches such as confidence coaching, sex therapy, sex-hypnosis, parts therapy, growth mindset just to name a few

  • Creates deep healing and resolution of past stressful experiences.

  • Works with the unconscious and mind-body connection, so is much more comprehensive.

  • Unique processes and techniques created by Linda Connors (only available at sexual solutions).

  • Provides structured proactive sessions that provide you with the steps you need for sexual success.

  • Is suitable for men who want to learn how to be more confident and become more sexually embodied.

When you sign up to the sexual anxiety hypnotherapy mastery programme, you will learn about:

  • New methods to increase natural sexual confidence.

  • Relaxation techniques and mind techniques to stop negative thoughts.

  • Why putting pressure on yourself to perform actually works against you.

  • Build a new empowered sexual blueprint that creates sexual control, sexual desire, confidence and inner peace.

  • Why your embodiment and presence is more important than your performance.

  • How your thoughts negatively influence your penis and genital areas.

  • Why regulating your sexual emotions and improving your state of mind is important.

  • The ways you can make your sex life successful, without anxiety and disappointment, with strategies that feel good.

 You will learn the strategies, principles, and methods that I have shared with hundreds of men from countries all around the world. How you can achieve a calmer mindset and more confidence without putting pressure on yourself to perform.

Sexual Transformations with the Sexual Anxiety Hypnotherapy Programme

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Your Transformations.

  • Resolving and healing previous experiences.

  • Develop a confident mindset.

  • Achieve sexual confidence in the bedroom

  • Stop overthinking and enjoy sexual activity with freedom

  • Become more resilient, so you can bounce back more quickly

  • Overcome sexual dysfunction causing anxiety

  • Reduce sexual stress and anxiety

  • You will learn the specific steps you need to tackle performance anxiety, overcome the physical, emotional, and mental triggers. Also, learn how to enhance sexual confidence so that you have better sex.

 Feel too embarrassed or nervous to get help with sexual anxiety?

Do you desperately want help with sexual performance anxiety, but feel embarrassed or nervous to talk to Linda? Many men are too embarrassed to even talk to their partner about their sexual problem, let alone a complete stranger. I get it.

To reassure you, I am one of the few hypnotherapists who works only with sexual dysfunction. I am highly experienced and trained in both the UK and the USA. I mean it when I say there is nothing I haven’t heard before.

 This programme is for you if:

You are committed to making changes and want to dive a little deeper than traditional hypnosis.

You want to learn how to be more embodied and present during sex and not just focus on your performance. You may also experience sexual dysfunction.

Many of my clients are from London and from around the world. They tend to be high performers, successful, executives, and entrepreneurs and require a discreet, private, and confidential hypnotherapist.

I also work with men from all walks of life, including different cultures, religions, and backgrounds. Many of my male clients are from Muslim, Hindi, Jewish, and Christian backgrounds. I respect all cultures and beliefs.

 For the previous 2 years, I had been living with a secret that I was unable to perform sexually. After spending a year or so trying doctors to solve my problem I finally decided to get in touch with Linda. From the very first session, I knew I had made the right decision. Within the next few weeks, Linda was perhaps the most important person in getting me back to myself, not only making me remember the person that I could be, but also giving me the tools to make sure I never forget this.

Having been at the bottom of my confidence just after a month ago I am now feeling better than ever. For this, I will forever be grateful to Linda and will continue to use the exercises she gave me. Not only that but to know there is someone there always to talk to when in need is something you can’t put a value on
— Client (confidential name)

 Here’s what you will receive in the Sexual Anxiety Hypnotherapy Programme

  • 1-2-1 Sessions with an International recognised Sex Hypnotherapist Linda Connors. I will bring you on a journey to reevaluate and realign your sexual experiences. You will learn new skills and techniques that will lead you to calmer and confident sex.

  • Hypnotherapy for any sexual dysfunction you experience.

  • Body RePatterning. A unique process created by Linda to break the sexual habits and create new positive sexual behaviours.

  • Empowered thinking module. Created by Linda to stop overthinking and letting negative thoughts control you.

  • The cycle of sexual breath. Created by Linda to refocus your energy on your whole body and not just the penis.

  • Hypnotic control room function. A powerful hypnotic procedure to give you access to your unconscious mind’s control room so you can change and update the controls driving anxiety about sex.

  • Hypnotic control. A powerful hypnotic process to get control over your mind and body.

  • The empowered sexual confidence Process.

  • Telephone support between sessions.

  • A proven process that hundreds of men have completed.

  • Face to face appointments with Linda Connors in Harley Street London.

  • Online appointments are also available for men who are not able to travel to Harley Street.

  • Bonuses


You will also receive these bonuses:

  • Templates of the exercises we do in the sessions.

  • Guided meditations for Confidence.

  • Guided Meditations to quieten your mind and increases calmness.

  • Prerecorded Hypnosis recordings of sessions (e.g. control room, and confidence method).

  • Meditation for the cycle of sexual breath.

  • Recorded audios by Linda Connors on men’s sexual confidence, belief, and mindsets.

  • Powerful confidence meditation.

  • Enneagram personality test (to help you understand why you do the things you do).

Linda Connors

Creator of the Sexual Solution Formula

"Sexual Performance Anxiety is not a life sentence. There are steps you can take to retrain your mind, body and penis. By taking specific action, you can learn to reduce anxiety."

I’m Linda, the founder of Sexual Solution, and creator of sexual performance anxiety hypnotherapy programme.

I weave together the best of modern hypnotherapy, confidence coaching, embodied meditation, and many of my own unique processes. This is a tried and tested structure to support you to learn the skills you need to end sexual anxiety for good.

The men who have gone through this programme report that they feel happier, more confident, experience a quieter mind and relaxed body, and are also are enjoying sex again. They are also surprised how other areas of their life has changed too.

If you have read up to this point you are ready to start having sex free from anxiety. You are ready to say yes to a more fulfilling sexual relationship. You may also be surprised at how other areas of your life improve and feel better too.

Men are sometimes embarrassed or nervous about contacting me about sexual issues. It is usually the first time they have talked to someone about the impact of sexual performance anxiety. They are often surprised at how relaxed and at ease they feel talking to me.

If you feel ready to discuss how you can resolve sexual anxiety for good you are invited to book your complimentary 30 minutes telephone consultation.

Book your appointment

Get in touch.

If you would like to find out more about the programme you are invited to book a complimentary telephone initial consultation with Linda.

There is no pressure, commitment or obligation to work with me after this call.

You can also call me directly on +44 (0) 075 3421 3557

Sessions are available in London Harley Street or online.