Pornography Addiction Hypnotherapy

Transform Your Life in 90 Days with the Sexual Solution Method for Porn Addiction

Porn has become part of your daily life

Porn has become a secret part of your daily life. You hide it from your partner and friends, watching it when you can—while they sleep, in the bathroom, or at work. Even working from home, you find moments to indulge.

You had an awful day. You feel stressed, bored, or want to escape from the reality of life. So you reach for your phone or laptop and start scrolling, watching until you feel numb and tired.

It's not just about watching porn. It's bigger than that. Porn has become your stress management tool. When you want to stop feeling stressed, bored, or anxious, you turn to porn to numb your emotions.

This disconnects you from your emotions, real intimacy, life, and creativity.

The Impact of Porn Addition on Your Life

Porn takes over your brain, creating a cycle of negative behaviors, unconscious responses, and overthinking. You have big plans for your life, but you find it hard to focus and are often distracted. Pornography has trained your mind to operate this way.

The Steps You Need to Take to End Porn Addiction

Ending porn addiction is a journey of understanding, healing, rebuilding, reconnecting, and retraining. The person who starts this journey with me will be transformed by the end of our work together.

Join me on a 90-day journey to end porn addiction.

I will guide you through the specifics steps you need to take to stop watching porn. You’ll feel better about yourself, work towards your personal goals, build deeper and more intimate relationships, and become your true self—free from porn.

Join Linda on your 90 day journey to end porn addiction through hypnotherapy and coaching. You can feel better about yourself, work towards your personal goals, build deeper and more intimate relationships
and become yourself……free from porn

Pornography Addiction Hypnotherapy with Linda

You've been thinking about stopping your porn habit for a while, but struggle to do so. You know it's negatively impacting your sex life and relationships, yet it feels challenging to end the addiction.

If you're ready to work through your pornography addiction and live porn-free, read on. If my approach resonates with you, book a free initial consultation with me.

Book Your Free Consultation Now

  • Porn Addiction Hypnotherapy Recovery Programme

  • Discovery the Reasons You Watch Porn

  • Re-Mapping Your Mind and Body

  • Changing Habits and Behaviors

  • Learn how to manage impulses and desires

Pornography takes so much more than it gives. It steals your energy, time, and sexual function. There is an unlived part of you that porn has suppressed—your creativity, sexual energy, confidence, and emotional regulation. Imagine living life without porn at the forefront of your sexual desires, relationships, and quiet moments. This can become your reality. 

I’m Linda Connors, the Porn Addiction Hypnotherapist

Welcome to my page. I am Linda Connors, an international Hypnotherapist and Coach specializing in sexual problems and dysfunctions. With over 17 years of experience, I have helped hundreds of men overcome their sexual problems, including porn addiction, and helped them experience a healthy sex life free from stress and anxiety.

I have created a unique porn addiction hypnotherapy program that provides the exact steps you need to stop watching porn and start living a life free from it. Appointments are available in London Harley Street and internationally online.

How many times have you tried to stop watching porn?

How many times have you tried to stop watching porn? How many times were you lured back through habit, stress, boredom, masturbation, compulsion or an urge? Then the cycle of shame and guilt starts.

Be honest with yourself without judgement. Real honesty opens the doorways to change, and lets you see the real truth of your current situation. It also supports you to take the necessary steps forward from the place of your mind, body and heart to finally quit porn and re-engage with life.


Porn Addiction is real

and many men find it a struggle to quit.

I want to acknowledge you for arriving at this site today. I know from the men I work with it's often the hardest step. It's the first time they have opened up and talked about porn, the impact on their life, career, relationships and sex life.

I am here to support you to quit porn. I hold no judgement. During my work as a sex hypnotherapist and pornography addiction coach, nothing shocks me. I’ve heard it many times before.

Whether you were exposed to porn from an early age, addicted for many years, ,or it's a recent addiction, you are welcome here. Porn is a real addiction. It creates changes in the brain and body.

​It takes more than willpower and commitment to quit porn and recover from addiction. Porn changes parts of the brain and body. Thankfully, these changes are reversible with the right level of support.


I am going to be honest with you. Quitting porn isn't only about stopping watching porn. It's also about learning how to re-engage with life, reconnecting to your heart, mind, body and masculinity without porn influencing your life choices, thoughts, mindset and beliefs. It's about reconnecting and finding your real self before you got caught up in the cycle of porn addiction.

Porn addiction can numb your emotions, your sexual responses, your creativity, work productivity, and ultimately causes you to step back and play small in life.

The Porn Addiction Hypnotherapy Programme is about finding a new path to live your life after porn. By saying no to porn, you are saying yes to something else. Yes to the life you desire. Yes to reclaiming your life, work, relationships, creative, essence, energy and motivation.

This is your reward.

“Imagine having the freedom and self-control to go on your phone or laptop without thinking about porn or unconsciously logging onto a porn site. In fact, your energy is focussed on something completely different - living your life”

— Linda Connors

How will we work together?

The Porn Addiction hypnotherapy and Coaching programme is a unique and life changing programme. It's a step by step process of exploring, building, developing, creating and transformation.

We meet for 12 sessions either in London Harley Street or online via zoom.

The programme is a unique formula of hypnosis, coaching, and many methods and processes Linda personally created. You will not have access to these anywhere else.

To apply to work with Linda on this programme, book your free consultation. Linda works with men who are committed to stopping watching porn (even if they do not know how they do it) and saying yes to a porn free life.

Here’s what possible for you

  • Create new neurological brain pathways and reverse the brain, mind and body changes caused by internet porn addiction.

  • Through hypnosis, understand why you watch porn and take the necessary steps to resolve this.

  • Change your mindset and thoughts, so they are more in alignment in your life

  • Alignment your actions and behaviours with your values and purpose (rather than porn)

  • Heal any shame or guilt you are carrying about porn addiction

  • Break the cycle of watching porn and porn addiction

  • Learn how to refocus your arousal and sexual desire in physical sex in a new way of intimacy and connection.

  • Reconnect and build your inner resources, such as masculinity, confidence, self-belief, calmness

  • Enjoy physical connections (without porn fantasy) and improve your relationship

  • Learn how to use your physical energy and be more motivated, improve work performance, and connect with your full potential

  • Live your life free from porn!

Change is possible but you need to know how to sustain these changes long-term.


You can create the changes you want. You can quit porn completely. But you have to know how to work with your mind, body and heart. You need to learn how to understand how your mind and brain works together. How you can change your emotional, physical and mental responses to situations.

The porn addiction hypnotherapy programme helps you to develop the understanding necessary to create changes, supports you to take the necessary step by step actions, and helps you to be more embodied, successful, confident and happier as a man.

Ready to say no to porn and improve your quality of life?

If you are serious about wanting to quit porn and re-engage with life you are invited to contact me on 075 3421 3557 or send me a message through the form below.

I appreciate you may feel embarrassed, or even ashamed, and worried about talking about something you have perhaps have never shared with anyone. Many of the men who contact me after our discussion say they felt relaxed and open speaking with me, despite being initially nervous. I am here to support you - not judge you. My mission is to truly help men move beyond the barriers of porn addiction and become more of who they are are - happier, successful, and in a way come home to themselves.

Whenever you are ready to contact me, I am truly looking forward to speaking with you about the best way forward for you, how we can work together and if we both feel we are a good fit we will book your first appointment.

Best wishes


 Book your free consultation