#26 | Retrain Penile Sensitivity Meditation
Is penis sensitivity causing loss of control and anxiety?
Welcome to today's meditation. I will guide you to reduce sensitivity and feel calmer physically and emotionally. With over 17 years of experience as a sex hypnotherapist, I understand the challenges of premature ejaculation and hyper-sensitivity, and their effects on your sex life. This meditation aims to help you release tension, feel calm, and reduce sensitivity in your pelvic area. By the end, you will learn to build ejaculation control and feel more relaxed and connected to your body. Whether your sensitivity stems from stress, anxiety, or physical factors, this meditation offers a path towards greater control.
About Linda Connors
Linda is a Sex Hypnotherapist and Confidence Coach, specialising in working with men to address sexual challenges in the bedroom.
Please do not listen to this meditation when driving, or when it is unsafe to do so. This is not medical advice, please consult your doctor if you experience ejaculation.
Wondering if hypnosis can help with penile sensitivity?
If you are ready to address penile sensitivity and premature ejaculation with hypnosis, Linda is available to support you through this journey with empathy and expertise.
You are invited to book a free initial consultation with Linda to discuss your situation and how Linda will guide you from where you are to into ejaculation freedom visit: book now.