#22: Am I normal if I have premature ejaculation?

Many men are worried they are not normal if they ejaculate quickly.

Am I normal if I have Premature Ejaculation? Can I fix this?

This is a common question many men ask me during our initial consultation.

Here’s what you can expect from this episode:

  • Addressing the common concern among men: "Am I normal?" in the context of premature ejaculation (PE),

  • Providing insights into the experience of PE reminding you that it does not define your identity, but is something you experience. It's not who you are. It's something you experience.

  • Offering practical strategies for self-acceptance and gradual change, encouraging you to take small steps towards healing and improvement.

  • A breathwork exercise at the end.

For more information, visit: hypnotherapy for premature ejaculation.


#21 | How Mindfulness Meditation Can Help Reduce Sexual Anxiety